Bellevue-Santa Fe Charter School Student Experience Fund: In an era that continues to see cutbacks in public school funding, some activities that were once a common element of the student experience have been dramatically reduced, or fallen by the wayside altogether. The objective of this new “Fund” is to help augment or bring back some of the extracurricular offerings that help shape a more, well-rounded child. The “Fund” may also provide school-based, education-related assistance for the children of economically disadvantaged families who reside within the boundaries of the Avila Beach Community Foundation’s geographic service area. The “Fund” is not intended to pay for areas of education already provided for by public support (i.e. taxes) earmarked for that purpose. We invite members of the community who recognize that a well-rounded education is the key to success to help us grow the “Fund” by offering monetary and/or in-kind contributions.
Small Project Grants:
- Avila Beach Communities Emerging Needs and Opportunities Fund: This fund was established by Foundation Trustees and is intended to address small requests for financial support of special projects within our mission and purpose that fall outside of our annual grant-making schedule. Contributors to this fund include ABCF Trustees, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and various individuals and businesses in our community. Applicants should submit a letter of request for support that includes details of the project, along with related expenses and list of project partners if applicable.
- Richard and Kathleen Zacky Family Foundation Fund: The purpose of this fund is to support projects of interest to the Zacky's, and that fall within the Avila Beach Foundation’s mission and by-laws. The Foundation will accept requests for project grants throughout the year for amounts between $100 and $1,000. A simple letter outlining details of the proposed project and persons responsible for its completion will be required. Requests for amounts over $1,000 and up to $5,000 may be considered, but will require applicants to complete a more comprehensive proposal that includes budgets, timelines specifications, etc. The fund will give priority to requests for projects that seek its support for a matching grant, i.e. as a project funding partner.
- Joan Sargen Avila Beach Communities Enrichment Fund: This fund launched by a donation from Joan Sargen will help support projects or programs that enrich the social, ecological or artistic fabric of the greater Avila Beach communities. Applicants should submit a letter of request for support that includes details of the project, along with related expenses and list of project partners if applicable.