Last month I promised to fill you in on the outcome of the Foundation’s Avila Beach Town Hall Forum held in February, and share the feedback generated by our online survey of those who attended. First, let me report that nearly 100 people were in attendance. They were nourished with a fine meal prepared by Julie Andrews-Scott, treated to the most delectable ever, calorie-filled chocolate chip/macadamia nut cookies prepared by Patty Pinto, then educated by our panel of speakers representing state and local government, P.G. & E., Port San Luis Harbor District, County Recreation and Parks, and Cal Fire. Below are just some of the comments/quotes from the 30 people who took the time to complete our online event evaluation and survey
Asked about suggestions for future Forums, paraphrased responses included:
1) Engage in strategic planning - what/who does Avila want to be in 5, 10, 20 years and beyond? 2) Address parking issues and inability of locals to access downtown businesses most summer weekends. 3) Ways to improve local business and how to manage local events. 4) How to deal with irresponsible pet owners and lack of Animal Control enforcement. 5) Emergency and evacuation planning.
Asked for ideas to enhance life in Avila Beach, paraphrased responses included:
1) Find a place for a small enclosed dog park to increase sense of community. 2) Install parking meters at the water front and take away free fishing at the pier. 3) It is probably time to build a parking structure. 4) Make sure Fossil Point is developed appropriately and carefully. 5) Have a paramedic at our fire station. 6) Extend Free Trolley service to and from San Luis Obispo. 7) More collaborative efforts by all agencies in the area. 8) Observatory at old tank site. 9) Open a community garden. 10) Lower the speed limit on the road by the school all the way from 101 to the stoplight. 11) Improve the 5-way intersection at the Avila exit crossing onto Ontario Road. 12) More farmers at Farmers’ Market. 13) Telescopes on the Piers. 14) A golf-cart friendly and accessible downtown. 15) More activities directed toward younger adults (25-40).
Asked what they like most about life in Avila Beach
The responses were consistent and not surprising, like small town atmosphere, friendly people, little traffic, the beach, beautiful weather, community spirit, etc.
Asked what they like least about life in Avila Beach, paraphrased responses included:
1) Weekend and vacationers who do not respect our community. 2) Lack of easy parking during busy season. 3) Only one way in and out of Avila Beach. 4) Not enough trash pickup on the weekends. 5) No place to get gas in emergencies. 6) Lack of business collaboration and cooperation. 7) Difficulty getting vendors to deliver in our area (mostly for restaurants). 8) Excessive activities at the golf course. 9) Debris along Front Street sidewalks and gutters. 10) Business establishments reducing pedestrian ways on Front Street. 11) Too many vacation rentals changing the fabric of the community. 12) Summer traffic. 13) Proximity to Diablo nuclear power plant.
In summary, the survey revealed quite a bit more than I have space for in this column, so I tried to capture the overall sentiments shared by our fellow Avila residents and focused on a few questions that generated concerns and ideas - some we as a community can address and some are beyond our influence. A favorable 60% of the survey respondents indicated a willingness to attend small neighborhood gatherings to talk about ideas and projects we can possibly tackle together as residents and businesses invested in the greater Avila Beach area. Beginning to convene these small neighborhood discussion groups will become a focus of the Avila Beach Foundation in the coming months. For us, it is all about community engagement and community support. Working together we have the opportunity and ability to make a difference, but only through a collective involvement can this happen. As always, we welcome your input. See you at the beach.