Avila Beach Civic Association: www.avilabeachcc.com
Avila Beach Community Foundation: www.avilabeachfoundation.org
Avila Valley Advisory Council: www.avac-avila.org
Central Coast Aquarium: www.centralcoastaquarium.com
Concerned Citizens 4 Avila: www.concernedcitizens4avila.org
Point San Luis Lighthouse: www.pointsanluislighthouse.org
Port San Luis Harbor District: www.portsanluis.com
Avila Community Spotlight Postgame Report: I don’t know how many of you loyal readers were in attendance at the February 28th event, but those who couldn’t make it missed a wonderful affair. Participating were 13 exhibitors who showcased their groups for the more than 100 community members who stopped by each table to meet staff and volunteers and learn about the organizations. All in attendance were treated to a wide variety of refreshments and vied for some fun door prizes. “Foundation” Project Specialist Stephanie Rowe, along with board members Cyndy Lakowske and Barbara Nicholson, are to be commended for planning and organizing the event. And thanks go to the exhibitors who set up very nice displays and donated some of the door prizes. And of course, let us not forget the winners of the Avilones of Distinction Awards who were honored at the event. Congratulations to Sherri Danoff (for Volunteerism), Joan Sargen (for Philanthropy) and Anne Brown (for Leadership). Thanks for all you do to keep Avila happy and healthy. Following is a photo from the event…………
A Few Things That May Be Of Interest To You: SLO County Public Works Department is in the throes of a circulation study for two very busy intersections in Avila Beach – Hwy 101 at both San Luis Bay Drive and Avila Beach Drive, plus consideration of a proposed plan for increasing parking in the downtown Avila Beach commercial area. To learn about what’s in store, just google SLO County Public Works, click on the listing, then when the home page pops up, click on the Current Public Works Projects tab located in the column on the left side. On the next page you will see a few project posting related to Avila Beach. Also in the works is a conceptual plan for Cave Landing natural area access improvements. Updates on this project can be found by googling SLO County Parks and Recreation. When at the home page, scroll down near the bottom to find the related story. Last but not least is the semi-annual reminder from CalFire Chief Paul Lee that with the recent time change comes the suggested task of placing fresh batteries in your carbon monoxide and smoke alarms. Thanks for always looking out for us, Chief!
Remembering Archie McLaren: Many Avilones knew Archie personally. Others might have been aware of his colorful house on the hill overlooking Avila. Archie passed away last year, but as an Avila icon he left behind a legacy exemplified by his love of community, wine, art and philanthropy. Archie was likely best known for founding the Central Coast Wine Classic, held here and in Santa Barbara County for over 30 years. I won’t attempt to memorialize Archie in this column, but I will refer you to a new book about him, titled “Archie McLaren: The Journey from Memphis Blues to the Central Coast Wine Revolution.” This book can be purchased online at www.winehistoryproject.org. When landing on the home page, click on the Books tab near the upper right hand corner. Here is some information about the book as provided by Libbie Agran, Director of the Wine History Project of San Luis Obispo County:
Archie McLaren told the story of his life to the staff of the Wine History Project to encourage others to continue to educate and celebrate the vineyards, the growers and winemakers of the Central Coast. His ability to build enduring relationships among writers, chefs and winemakers brought the California Food and Wine Revolution to SLO County, and generated over $3,000,000 for local charities through the Central Coast Wine Classic Events and Auctions over the last 30 years. Almost everyone in the county has been touched by his philanthropy and spirit. Archie lived in Avila Beach and was devoted to his community. He received national recognition during his life time and is honored as one of the Founders of the Wine History Project of SLO County which is dedicated to preserving and archiving local wine and food history and sharing it with the public through exhibits, lectures, films, books and events.
Trolley Good Time: Yep, it’s almost time to hop aboard for this season of the Friday night Avila Farmers’ Market, which begins on April 5th. Avila Valley residents wanting to avoid traffic and parking issues can access the Free Avila Trolley at their stop on Ontario Road. Unfortunately, the prior stop in Avila Village has been discontinued due to logistical problems. To see and download the 2019 Avila/Pismo Trolley schedule visit: FREE! - slorta.org.
Junior Lifeguards Program Gearing Up: With summer just around the corner, the staff of the Avila Beach Jr. Lifeguards Program are preparing for another robust season. This program, which has been supported for many years by the Port San Luis Harbor District, and the Avila Beach Community Foundation, focuses on character development and provides a rigorous curriculum on paddling, running, swimming, outrigger canoe, first aid, CPR, and basic lifeguarding. Open tryouts take place on April 28, May 5 and May 26. For more information about the process, visit www.avilabeachjuniorguards.org.
Central Coast Aquarium is host site for ECOSLO’s Seas to Trees Countywide Clean-up Event. Scheduled for May 4th, CCA will coordinate divers to remove debris from under the Harford Pier beginning at 7am. And, the public is invited to help clean up Avila starting at 9:30am at the Aquarium. All participants will be treated to a BBQ lunch after the clean-up and can visit the Info Fair in the Ocean Discovery Park. To sign up: email at [email protected] or call 805-595-7280.
We want to hear from you Avilones. Please keep an eye open later this month for a short survey being conducted by the Avila Beach Community Foundation. We seek your input to help guide our focus for the coming years, thus you will soon be emailed an opportunity to share your thoughts. Those who complete the survey will be entered into the drawing to win a $100 gift card to the Avila Beach restaurant of their choice.
That’s it for now, fellow Avilones. See you at the beach!