If one thinks of Avila Beach as a “structure”, then we could consider the various Avila groups as our “infrastructure”. No structure survives without internal oversight, or at the very least without people who function as its caretakers. It wouldn’t be accurate of me to report that the individuals who comprise the Avila infrastructure are fully altruistic and non self-serving. Really, who of us can make such a claim? Nor can I report that complete harmony exists during the Avila community gatherings. When passions run high, so will emotions. And yes, controversy rears its head every so often. What I have witnessed, for the most part, are everyday people who share a common love of the greater Avila Beach area, and who are willing to spend time each month mulling over ways to help preserve our lifestyle.
Our friends and neighbors on these commissions, councils, boards, etc. are entrusted to deal with a plethora of issues. It may be addressing the ongoing concern of adequate and fair beach area parking. It may be how to best maintain the Avila Community Center and deciding upon which classes and programs will be of the greatest interest. It may be cleanliness of the beachfront Promenade and the beach itself. It includes assuring that our water, waste management and public safety services are functioning on all cylinders. Occasionally it might even mean chiming in when the perceived rights of one person may infringe on the perceived rights of others. I have enjoyed sitting in the same room with County Supervisor Adam Hill – accompanied by other County staff who deal with Avila issues. Likewise I enjoy hearing from leaders among our local firefighters and Sheriff’s departments, who have the pulse of our safety concerns.
The Avila Beach Community Foundation has at times served as a common interest thread amongst the various Avila groups. When possible and suitable we have stepped forward with grants or other types of assistance – all for the enhancement of our community. I urge each of my fellow Avila Beach residents to recognize our town’s unique “structure”, and to celebrate the fact that dozens of concerned citizens – our “infrastructure – are hard at work improving and preserving our pristine surroundings. For more information about the “Foundation”, the projects we support, and ways you can get involved in Avila Beach, please log onto www.avilabeachfoundation.org. and view our Community Links page