While “espousing”, I am pleased to announce that it is now grant-making season for the Avila Beach Community Foundation. The deadline to submit grant applications for projects or programs planned for the year 2020 is September 16, 2019. Downloadable applications can be found by visiting www.avilabeachfoundation.org. As I have shared in previous columns, the “Foundation” has awarded more than 175 grants since it began doing so in the year 2000, and has helped distribute in excess of $3 million to benefit Avila Beach over that period. While we are proud to have supported a diverse range of local programs/projects, one that stands out for me is the subsidized housing complex, Lachen Tara Apartments, operated by People’s Self-Help Housing. The “Foundation” doesn’t have many opportunities to assist those with financial and other human resources challenges because, quite frankly, the Avila Beach communities are for the most part inhabited by a well-off population. As a community, I believe we are well served by having as our neighbors some who are less fortunate, but otherwise contribute to the tapestry of Avila Beach. Lachen Tara’s target population is low and extremely low-income workers in Avila Beach, special needs persons, the frail elderly, veterans and the formerly homeless. Currently the complex is home to 28 households and 40 residents. Roughly 75% of these households rely upon and benefit from supportive housing clinical case management and enhanced social services. The “Foundation” has helped cover the costs to pay for these case management services since 2012, investing $34,500 in funding over that time. We are pleased to do our part to help support these friends and neighbors.
Special thanks to the 82 Avilones who took the time to complete our recent community survey. The “Foundation” sought and received some valuable input that will help us plan for the next few years. While I can easily share some of the raw data received, there is still more work to be done compiling the results and getting it ready for public consumption. What I do have ready to share is that of the respondents, 18 have resided in Avila Beach for 5 years or less, 21 for 6-10 years, 22 for 11-20 years and 21 have been here for 20+ years. Asked what type of community enrichment events are of most interest, informational events received 61 votes, educational events received 47 votes, social events received 45 votes, forums/workshops received 41 votes. Asked what future workshop topics would be of most interest, Avila history received 53 votes, healthy living received 34 votes, environment received 30 votes, travel received 25 votes, cooking received 20 votes, internet/smartphone technology received 19 votes, gardening received 15 votes and finance received 11 votes. Asked in what areas the “Foundation” should focus future efforts in Avila Beach, community enrichment activities received 65 votes, grant making received 46 votes, and public art received 36 votes. We received quite a bit more input, but it is in a narrative form and not quite as easy to capsulize for you in this column. And while I realize that 82 respondents constitute just a small percentage of our Avila constituency, it nevertheless gives some insight that will be helpful in developing our game plan. Keep an eye out for more information to come as we get it together. Last but not least, I want to congratulate Robin Lipps, whose name was drawn from the list of respondents to win the $100 gift card to the Avila restaurant of her choice. Maybe she will choose one of you to join her.
That’s it for now, fellow Avilones. See you at the beach!