Once again AVAC (Avila Valley Advisory Council) addressed the subject at their meeting in July. The Council is sending a letter of recommendation to the County, calling for action on a plan that was previously adopted to address Avila Beach access concerns. Attending July’s meeting, and hearing the concerns, was County District 3 Supervisor Adam Hill, along with representatives from Public Planning and Parks. I imagine the issue will kept alive until all involved stakeholders have a chance to convene and come up with some workable solutions. If you have any other comments or ideas, please email me at [email protected].
Next, I am happy to report back on some news I heard at both the July AVAC and Avila Business Association meetings. Curtis Black, Deputy Director of SLO County Parks, gleefully announced that funding is available and plans have been approved for a ¼ quarter mile extension of the Bob Jones Trail. Once completed, it will run alongside the golf course at the point we now must cross at the intersection of Avila Beach Drive and San Miguel Street, and will continue to a new crossing at First Street. However – the one caveat is that before construction can begin, the County must have assurances that annual costs to maintain the new extension are covered. Sadly, funds to do so are NOT in the current year’s budget. Mr. Black stated that annual maintenance costs will run between $1,200-$1,500 per year, or could be reduced if a group of volunteers entered into an “Adopt A Park” agreement. Volunteer duties would include weekly litter patrols, seasonal weed-wacking, and perhaps tree trimming or asphalt slurry sealing depending on the group’s abilities to perform such tasks. Personally, I like the idea of our community coming up with the annual cost to provide regular and accountable trail maintenance services. I appeal to any of you Avila area residents willing to make a donation towards the annual $1,200 - $1,500 costs to maintain the new Bob Jones Trail extension. You can make a tax deductible contribution through the Avila Foundation designated for that purpose. Or, let me know if you prefer to participate on an Adopt A Trail team instead. Please feel free to call me at 595-4095 for details.
Last, but not least, I invite you to attend the second annual “Avila Albacore Feed”, scheduled for Saturday, October 9th at the Community Center. If you missed last year’s sell-out affair, you will want to act quickly this year. Pete Kelley will once again be preparing his wonderful grilled Albacore recipe, along with some tasty support dishes and dessert. Some of the area’s finest wines will be available as well. The 2009 event was so successful that we are offering two separate table seating times this year – 5:00p.m., and 6:30p.m. Plus, tickets for take-out only will be sold. Tickets go on sale the first week in August - $20 for adults and $10 for children 12 years and under. Proceeds will benefit the Community Center and other local projects and services. Call 627-1997, or send your check made out to the Avila Beach Community Foundation, c/o ABCA - PO Box 460 – Avila Beach, CA 93424. Be sure to specify your preference – 5:00 or 6:30 seating, or take-out.
Your comments or suggestions to help improve life in Avila Beach are always welcome. Please visit www.avilabeachfoundation.org or email us at [email protected].