I hope that by now you’ve had the chance to visit the new public art murals at the Central Coast Aquarium. The art unveiling celebration was held on October 5th, which marked the culmination of a nearly two-year journey for this second round of the “Foundation’s” public art initiative. The celebration was attended by roughly 60 people, and included members of the Avila Beach Community Foundation and Central Coast Aquarium boards of directors and staff, along with many of the project sponsors and donors. Present to talk about the story behind the murals was artist Colleen Gnos, as was SLO County Supervisor Adam Hill, whose community challenge grant after the first round of public art launched fundraising efforts for round two. Here’s a sneak peek for you. Stop by and see the real thing soon!
The “Foundation” Board of Trustees is now in the throes of our annual grant-making season, during which it determines the applicants to receive funding for year 2020 programs and projects. This year should prove to be very challenging, as we have received a record number of applications (15), with a total of roughly $120,000 being collectively requested. As you may recall from reading previous reports, we usually have about $60,000 or so to allocate annually, thus the upcoming challenge to be both effective and prudent in our selections. After hearing from new applicants, and reading grant proposals of all 15 applicants, our board will convene on November 14th to select grant recipients. Keep an eye out for the list of grantees to be announced in the December issue of Avila Beach Life.
Good news for those of you who have been jealously eyeing the “Proud Avilone” vehicle license plate holders visible around town. Seeing these limited-edition frames as I tool around the community makes me smile, knowing that it was these Avilones who helped make possible the public art murals mentioned earlier. And guess what! We still have some “Proud Avilone” frames in stock (see below), and all it takes is a donation in any amount to the “Foundation’s” public art development and restoration fund. This offer is just in time for those looking for a special Christmas or Hanukkah gift for your Avila Beach friends and neighbors.
P.O. Box 297, Avila Beach, CA 93424
Be sure to include your contact information so we can arrange delivery of your frame(s).
That’s it for now, fellow Avilones. I wish you an enjoyable Thanksgiving celebration.
See you at the beach!